What would you do if you made hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, and stayed in the best hotels and ate in the best restaurants around the world . . . wining and dining clients at posh resort destinations with the full approval of your bosses . . . selling the products of major pharmaceutical companies?
Well, if you were John Virapen, Ph.D., you would write a tell-all book exposing the dirty, dark secrets of Big Pharma.
John spent nearly four decades plying his trade: helping to gain approval for infamous drugs like Prozac, sweet-talking doctors and their staff to accept his free samples of the latest concoction from his company, bribing opinion leaders and regulatory authority employees, all to get more drugs into the hands of patients, some drugs that came with deadly side effects.
After the birth of his last child over 10 years ago, the hackles on the back of his neck were raised when he saw who Big Pharma was marketing to now: kids. John decided right there and then to get the message out to as many as possible, to warn them about the pills he had been pushing, to educate them about the deadly side effects he knew existed, but that Big Pharma knew how to hide from public view.
Thanks to John we can learn all their dirty tricks, for never has someone so close to the action and that privy to the ways of Big Pharma exposed it all in book form.
Find out why John is known as the “Big Pharma Insider.”

Dr. John Diapen Rengen Virapen (1943-2015) was the child of Indian immigrants living in British Guiana. He received his medical degree in psychiatry and later became a manager at the pharmaceutical companies Eli Lilly and Company (1980-1988—managing director) and Novo Nordisk. It was there that Dr. Virapen became acutely aware of the shady business practices used by big pharmaceutical companies to get approval for and market prescription drugs.
Under the pseudonym John Rengen, he published an exposé novel about these practices and the involvement of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the prescription drug scam. Virapen’s 2006 novel told the story of a pharmaceutical insider that parallels his own eye-opening experiences in the pill-pushing racket. Virapen pulled no punches exposing widespread fraud in the approval of the antidepressant drug Prozac in Sweden. And he should have known. He himself had bribed professors, experts and government officials to get approval for the drug.
In addition to numerous other insiders from several other medical and pharmaceutical industries, Virapen participated in the Frontal 21 documentary “The Drug Cartel.” Virapen provided important insights into the motives and modus operandi of the biggest legal drug pushers in the world.
Until his death in 2015, John crusaded against sham science, corruption, bribery, manipulation and fraud in the pharmaceutical world. His two most popular works are SIDE EFFECTS: DEATH—Confessions of a Pharma Insider (Second edition, softcover, 194 pages) and MEDICINE CULT: A Prescription for Side Effects and Death. (COMING SOON!)
Because of the work of John Virapen, millions of people across the world now know the extent to which “Big Pharma” will go to get you hooked on their drugs—whether you need them or not, or whether their side effects will kill you long before they “cure” the disease for which they were prescribed.
Listen to my true story . . .
- Pharmaceutical companies want to keep people sick.
- They want to make them think that they are sick.
- They increasingly target our children and they are killing them!
- And they do this for one reason: Money!
Why do I know this? I was a culprit myself.
My book SIDE EFFECTS: DEATH—Confessions of a Pharma Insider is the true story of corruption, bribery and fraud.